OCTEC Bathurst Employment Service BATHURST

Generalist Disability Employment Services. Regional service, Local knowledge.


Service: DES - Employment Support Service

Specialisation: All Job Seekers

Suite 1 203-209 Russell Street

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Phone: (02) 63321527

Fax: (02) 63325719

Email: bathurstemploy@octec.org.au


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

Our Job seekers OCTEC is a generalist provider of Disability Employment Services which means that we work with people with a wide range of disabilities including physical, psychiatric, intellectual, sensory and specific learning disabilities. We’ve had great success in achieving long-term employment outcomes for job seekers for three important reasons: 1. we focus on your strengths and abilities 2. we provide support that is tailored to your needs 3. we continue our support for as long as you need after you get a job. In terms of the specific support you can expect from us, we help you to: - identify and overcome any barriers that may be stopping you from getting a job - find suitable vacancies advertised in the newspaper or online - make contact with businesses where you want to work, even if they don’t have a vacancy advertised - negotiate changes in the workplace that will help you do your job to the best of your ability, and - maintain your employment when workplace or personal difficulties arise. When you register with OCTEC Employment Services, we allocate a Career Consultant to work with you one-on-one to help you find a job. Our Career Consultants are highly trained and will treat you with dignity and respect. They will work with you as an individual, getting to know your skills, abilities and interests, and identifying jobs and employers that are the best match for you. And once you get a job, your Career Consultant will continue to support you for as long as you need, visiting you regularly at work or speaking to you on the phone, whichever suits you best. We can also help with the costs of work clothing and equipment, as well as additional training so that you can apply for promotions and develop your career when you are ready.

Our employers

Our Employers Our commitment to you as an employer is take an interest in your business as a whole, not just in the opportunities to place our job seekers. The services we can provide you include: - assessing your workforce needs and any areas of skills shortage, and only referring job seekers to you who meet those needs - providing free access to our offices for selection interviewing and recruitment campaigns as required - continuing our support to our job seeker and to you as the employer for as long as needed after placement - providing our ‘Biz Support’ package that includes training in disability awareness, assistance to access workplace modifications at no cost to you, and support to meet the costs of induction training and mentoring - facilitating access to available wage subsidies - providing advice on traineeships and other training programs delivered by OCTEC Training Services or other Registered Training Organisations - we have a number of vocational training experts on staff - assisting you to access temp staff through OCTEC’s labour hire service, Q.temp, to backfill for staff on leave or to cover vacancies while formal recruitment processes are undertaken. In short, we provide a comprehensive service that goes way beyond the recruitment of a new worker and that recognises you as a valued client. Our Year in Review publication provides further information on the support we provide to large employers such as Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings Warehouse and UnitingCare Ageing, as well as the hundreds of small businesses that are the backbone of our regional communities. Call us on 1800 258 182 and we’ll send you a copy or have a look at the latest Year in Review on our website: www.octec.org.au.

Our networks

Our Networks OCTEC is a community-based organisation that has worked in close partnership with other community organisations, government agencies and local businesses throughout our 39 year history. OCTEC is an active member of the local chambers of commerce in each of the communities in which work. We also regularly sponsor local business awards and the Western NSW Training Awards, and participate in Job Expos and industry roundtables run by organisations such as Regional Development Australia. OCTEC has strong connections in various sectors including community services and health, hospitality, retail, mining support industries and local government. OCTEC regularly refers program participants to other providers of community and social services to help them address barriers to their full participation in education, employment and community life in general; e.g. Local Health Districts and Regional Health Services (mental health), Aboriginal Medical Services, Insight Services Group (specialist assessments and counselling), CatholicCare (mentoring), drug and alcohol services, PCYCs (youth activities) and Council or State-based migrant support programs. OCTEC actively supports a number of other service organisations, events and individuals through donations and in-kind support, e.g. Special Sports Days for People with Disability, the Cancer Council, Lions Clubs, Community Neighbourhood Centres, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, the Salvation Army, sporting teams and Ben Felten’s attempt to break the world blindfold speed record.

Our performance

Our Performance OCTEC believes that performance has to be measured by the quality of outcomes as well as the number of outcomes. Consequently, our annual report (OCTEC Year in Review) always features a number of case studies where our clients get to tell their stories of participation in OCTEC programs. You can call OCTEC on 1800 258 182 to request a copy or access it electronically on our website home page: www.octec.org.au. In terms of quantitative data, the following stats give some idea of the numbers of people we work with and the milestones we help them achieve. And while we don’t do what we do for awards, it’s nice to be acknowledged. A sample of award nominations and other recognition achieved in recent years appears below. Disability Employment Services: - We work with an active caseload of between 1800 and 2000 participants at any one time. - 1250 employment placements have been achieved since March 2013. - Almost 600 participants have successfully reached the important 6 month milestone of employment since March 2013. - over 75% of participants who moved into ongoing support following 6 months of employment are still employed and receiving our support or have exited the program as independent workers. Awards and Other Recognition: 2009: Finalist in two categories at the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council National Accolades of Excellence. 2010: One of 10 organisations featured in the Jobs Australia publication, ‘More Forces at Work: How 10 Nonprofits Tackled Unemployment and More in their Communities’. 2011: Winner of the ‘Industry Collaboration Award’ at the 2011 State Training Awards (NSW Department of Education and Communities). 2013: Winner of the ‘Excellence in Community Services Award’ at the CGU Banjo Patterson Business Awards - a

About us

About Us OCTEC is a successful community business providing employment, education, training and advocacy services in NSW, ACT and Victoria. OCTEC has almost 40 years of experience, 46 delivery sites and 150 staff. Our Mission: Providing individuals with training and employment opportunities, assisting industry to recruit and develop skilled workforces, and contributing to communities becoming more sustainable. Our Clients: OCTEC provides quality services to all clients regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, marital status or disability. OCTEC actively seeks to understand the needs of our clients, including the needs of job seekers, training participants, disadvantaged or isolated community members, community organisations, government agencies and businesses. OCTEC remains flexible in the delivery of its services so as to meet the needs of our various client groups. Our Services: - Disability Employment Services - Q.temp Labour Hire Services - Work for The Dole Coordinator - Youth Services including Aspire (Outdoor Education) and Shed Ed Links to Learning Project - Nationally Accredited Industry Training - Employment-based Traineeships - Online Learning and Distance Education - Business and Service Industries Training - Civil Construction Industry Training - Community Services and Health Training - Health and Safety Training, and - Rural Industries Training.