We are committed to making this website accessible and usable for everyone, including for people with disabilities. We’ve included features so you can get information in different ways, such as audio and Easy Read. Some videos are also available in Auslan.
If there’s information you can’t access, please contact us.
Accessibility standards
We designed this website to meet the Australian Government standards. We aim to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA. These are the guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Text size
You can use the zoom option on your browser to make the text on this website bigger or smaller.
- On Windows, use the ‘Control’ key with the + or - keys.
- On Mac, use the ‘Command’ key with the + or - keys.
Text to speech
Pages on this website will have a Listen button. You can use this to hear the text on a page read aloud.

The Listen feature lets you change the settings, such as the volume and speed of the speech.
If you’re using:
- a desktop computer, make sure your desktop speaker is on
- a mobile device, make sure it’s not on silent.
PDF and other documents
Some resources on this website are in PDF file format that you can view in your browser or download. We also provide Microsoft Word versions of the files.
To read PDF files you need PDF viewing software on your device. If you don’t already have it, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website.
Plain language and Easy Read
We’ve tried to write the information on this website in plain English so it’s easy to understand for as many people as possible.
The pages in the People with disability section of the website are also available in Easy Read format. Easy Read is a way of presenting information using simple terms, short sentences, and pictures to show the meaning of the text.

You can switch Easy Read on and off on pages that have the Easy Read button.

In the Easy Read pages, some key words are in bold next to a question mark.

You can click or tap these words to read a definition. Click or tap the word again to close the definition.

Related pages
Last updated:
We want to make sure this website is easy for everyone to:
- use
- understand.
This includes people with disability.
We call this ‘accessibility’.
Getting information in JobAccess
There are different ways you can get information on this website.
For example, you can use:
- audio
- Easy Read.
You can also watch videos in Auslan.
We hope you can find and use the information you need.
If there’s information you can’t find or use, please contact us.
You can visit our Contact Us page to talk to us.
Accessibility standards
We designed this website to meet the Australian Government Standards are rules about how to do things well. You can meet standards or go above standards. for accessibility.
We follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
These are standards about making sure websites are easy to:
- find and use
- understand.
We aim to meet level AA.
You can visit the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website to find out more.
Text size
You can use the Zoom tool on your browser to make the text on this website bigger or smaller.
If you use a Windows computer, you can use the ‘Control’ key with the ‘+’ or ‘-’ keys.
If you use a Mac computer, you can use the ‘Command’ key with the ‘+’ or ‘-’ keys.
Text to speech
Most pages on the website have a ‘Listen’ button.
You can click this button to hear the text on a page read out loud.
We call this ‘text to speech’.
A toolbar will also appear when you click on the Listen button.
The toolbar lets you change the settings for text to speech.
For example, you can change the:
- volume
- speed that the text is read.
If you’re using a computer or your phone, make sure the sound is turned on.
PDF and other documents
We have some resources on this website that you can:
- view in your browser
- download.
We provide these documents as both a:
- Microsoft Word file.
You can choose the one you want to use.
To read PDF files you’ll need a computer program that can view PDFs.
If you don’t already have one, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
You can visit the Adobe website to find out more.
Plain language and Easy Read
We’ve tried to write the information on this website in a way that’s easy to understand.
We also wrote the ‘People with disability’ section in Easy Read.
Easy Read is a way of sharing information that uses simple sentences and pictures to explain ideas.
You can switch Easy Read on and off on pages that have the Easy Read button.
When Easy Read is on, some important words will be in Bold means the letters are thicker and darker.
You can click on the bold words to find out what they mean.