Complaints or report abuse
If you or someone you know is in danger, call 000 if you need urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services. If you need crisis support, please visit the Emergency Contacts page.
JobAccess supports a number of ways for you to make a complaint or to report abuse or neglect of people with disability.
This section can help you with:
- Complaints about disability, employment or advocacy services
- Report abuse or neglect
- Other type of complaint
Last updated:
Complaints or report abuse
You can get support to make a When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something has gone wrong or is not working well. about a service.
You can also get support to report someone who is:
- hurting, scaring or controlling a person with disability
- not helping a person with disability the way they are supposed to.
Report abuse or neglect of a person with disability
Understanding abuse and neglect, how to report abuse and neglect
Complaints about disability employment or advocacy services
The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service, how to make a complaint, services you can make a complaint about
Complaints about the NDIS and JobAccess
How to make a complaint about the NDIS and JobAccess, help to make a complaint