Health, wellbeing and inclusion at work
A healthy and inclusive workplace is good for you and your employer. Get advice about mental health, stress, safety and disability at work. There is also training available to promote disability awareness among your co-workers and steps to take to get you back to work.
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Health, wellbeing and inclusion at work
It’s important to look after your health and wellbeing at work.
You can get advice about:
- mental health
- stress
- safety
- disability.
There is also training to support your co-workers to understand disability better.
Returning to work after injury or illness
Returning to work, plans you can make to return to work, support you can get.
Disability awareness training for your workplace
Training for your co-workers to learn about disability, mental health, deafness and Auslan.
Talking about your disability at work
When to talk about your disability at work, how to talk to your co-workers about your disability, what people can’t ask you.
Talking about mental health at work
When to talk about your mental health, how to talk to your co-workers about your mental health, the laws around your privacy.
Dealing with stress at work
Why people get stressed, how to manage stress, what support you can get.
Dealing with discrimination at work
How to deal with people treating you unfairly, what you can do, how to tell someone about it.
Your role in work health and safety
The laws around health and safety at work, what you have to do, what the business has to do.