Support to do an apprenticeship

An apprenticeship is a great way to get a qualification while you work. There is support available if you’re an apprentice or trainee with disability.

What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships and traineeships are a way to combine paid work and study to get a qualification. They are both types of an Australian Apprenticeship.

You can be an apprentice or trainee in a range of industries, both in private business and in government. Anyone of working age can start an Australian Apprenticeship.

You might also be able to start an Australian School-based Apprenticeship while you’re still at school. Most apprenticeships last between 1 and 4 years.

Learn more about becoming an apprentice or trainee on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.

What is Disability Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS)?

DAAWS is a payment to support Australian Apprentices who have disability. If you are eligible, the Australian Government pays DAAWS to your employer.

The government might also pay DAAWS to your employer if you become disabled while doing your apprenticeship.

For more information about DAAWS contact a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider or an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider in your area.

You can also find an introduction to the DAAWS program on the Australian Apprenticeships website.

Help from a tutor, mentor or interpreter

If you are an Australian Apprentice you may be able to get support from a tutor, mentor or interpreter. This is a service for apprentices who need help with their studies due to their disability. The payment for the service is paid to the Registered Training Organisation where you are doing your training.

If you think you could use some help, talk to your Registered Training Organisation, DES provider or an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider about organising the service.

Getting help

If you'd like to become an apprentice or trainee, contact an AASN provider in your area to get started. If you're already an apprentice, your AASN provider or DES provider can help with more information about the support available.

Centrelink can also help you work out if you can get income support while you do an apprenticeship. To get more information you can:

To learn more about other types of financial support visit the financial support from government services page.


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