Peak bodies and other disability associations

A range of peak bodies and associations support disability organisations and people around Australia. If you have an area of interest or want information to support disability employment, you can contact any of these groups.

Specific disabilities and conditions

A4 – Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia

A4 is a national grassroots organisation. It advocates for people with autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder. A4 focuses on system-wide issues, such as policy changes and promoting awareness.

Blind Citizens Australia

Blind Citizens Australia provides information, peer support, advocacy and consultancy services for the blind and vision impaired.

Brain Injury Australia

Injury Australia supports Australians living with brain injury to take part in society, work and education. It does this by providing information, advocacy and raising awareness.

Deaf Australia

Deaf Australia is the national peak advocacy and information organisation for people who are deaf, hard of hearing and others who use Auslan. It focuses on developing access to information and accessible communication.

Deafblind Australia

Deafblind Australia provides information and advocates to improve services and supports for deafblind people, their families and networks.

Deafness Forum of Australia

Deafness Forum of Australia support all Australians who are deaf or hard of hearing to live well in the community by making hearing health and wellbeing a national priority.

Down Syndrome Australia

Down Syndrome Australia is the peak body for people with Down syndrome in Australia. It provides support, information and resources.

Mental Health Australia

Mental Health Australia is the peak non-government organisation representing the Australian mental health sector.

Physical Disability Australia

Physical Disability Australia is a national peak Disability Peoples Organisation run by and for people with physical disability.

Specific groups, communities

Children and Young People with Disability Australia

Children and Young People with Disability Australia is the national peak body representing people with disability aged up to 25.

First Peoples Disability Network Australia

First Peoples Disability Network Australia advocates for the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, their families and communities.

National Ethnic Disability Alliance

National Ethnic Disability Alliance is the national peak body for people with disability who are from diverse cultural and language backgrounds, as well as their families and carers.

Women with Disabilities Australia

Women with Disabilities Australia is the peak organisation for women with all types of disabilities in Australia.

Employment related

Disability Employment Australia

Disability Employment Australia is the peak industry body for Australian Government providers of Disability Employment Services.

Jobs Australia

Jobs Australia is the national peak body for non-profit organisations that help people into work.

National Employment Services Association

The National Employment Services Association is Australia's peak body for employment services, representing a range of organisations that provide services for disadvantaged participants.

General disability organisations

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations is the peak organisation in the disability sector. It represents people with lived experience of disability.

Australian Disability Network

The Australian Disability Network is a not-for-profit organisation. It supports people with disability being included in all aspects of business.

Disability Advocacy Network Australia

Disability Advocacy Network Australia represents a network of independent disability advocacy organisations. Its purpose is to support and strengthen these organisations.

Disabled People's Organisations Australia

Disabled People’s Organisations Australia promotes and advances the human rights and freedoms of all people with disability. It is an alliance of 4 national Disabled Peoples Organisations in Australia.

Inclusion Australia

Inclusion Australia is the leading national voice for people with intellectual disability and their families.

National Disability Services

National Disability Services is Australia's peak body for non-government disability service organisations.

People with Disability Australia

People with Disability Australia is a national disability rights and advocacy organisation.


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