Complaints about disability employment or advocacy services
To make a complaint about a Disability Employment Service, Australian Disability Enterprise, or a disability advocacy service, you can contact the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS).
How to make a complaint to the CRRS
To make a complaint, you can:
- call 1800 880 052 Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm AEST, except for national public holidays
- fill in the online complaint form.
The CRRS is a free service.
Help to make a complaint
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact the National Relay Service (NRS) on 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 880 052.
If you need to speak to someone in a language other than English, you can use the free Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) by calling 13 14 50.
Who can use the CRRS
To complain to the CRRS about a service, you must be using a disability service funded by the Australian Government. These services include:
- Disability Employment Services (DES)
- Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs)
- advocacy services.
These are services funded under the Disability Services and Inclusion Act (2023).
You can also make a complaint to the CRRS if you’re an advocate or nominee of a person using the service.
Services can also get help from the CRRS. For example, to get information:
- to deal with or prevent a complaint
- on how to improve policies and procedures.
Types of complaints you can make to the CRRS
These can include issues such as:
- not getting the right pay
- unsafe or poor employment conditions
- not being respected and valued at work
- not getting the training you need to find, keep or do a new job
- not getting a service or support that you should
- not being allowed to make a complaint or ignoring your complaint
- being removed from a service unfairly
- abuse and neglect – find out more about types of abuse and neglect.
If you’re not sure if the CRRS can help you with your problem, you can still contact the CRRS. They will refer you to another service that may be able to help.
Your complaint must:
- be no more than 2 years old
- not be a complaint that you’ve raised with the CRRS before and has been closed.
What the CRRS will do
Providers of disability services need to meet the National Standards for Disability Services. The CRRS will help you understand your rights under these standards. They will try to improve your experience with a DES, ADE or advocacy service.
For information about the National Standards for Disability Services, visit the Department of Social Services website.
When you contact the CRRS, they will:
- listen and take notes about your complaint
- get your permission to talk to the service and any others that are involved
- not take sides in the issue or advocate for anyone.
Please note, the CRRS doesn’t record phone calls, but they do take notes to make sure they have accurate information.
The CRRS has different ways of resolving complaints. Depending on the situation, the CRRS might:
- help you and your service to resolve the issue together
- contact your service, find out what happened and recommend ways to address the issue
- give you advice and confidence to contact the service yourself to deal with the complaint
- give an advocate or support person information, or find a support person for you, to help you raise the complaint with the service.
What to expect from the CRRS
People who use the service will:
- get advice that is private and impartial – the CRRS will not take sides
- be treated with respect and understanding
- be listened to.
Services that use the Complaints Resolution and Referral process will:
- benefit from the skills and experience of the CRRS team
- value the fair approach that focuses on results
- gain skills in handling complaints
- get better results when solving issues.
Changing your provider
If you want to change your employment service provider, contact the National Customer Service Line (NCSL). You can:
- call 1800 805 260
- send an email to DEWR customer service.
- Complete the Online contact form - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government
Complaints about the CRRS
If you want to complain about the service you have received from the CRRS, contact the Department of Social Services (DSS). You can contact the DSS:
- online through DSS complaints
- by phone on 1800 634 035
- by email
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The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service
The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service is a free service for people with disability who are users of Australian Government funded: Disability Employment Services (DES); Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE); and/or Disability Advocacy services.
Making a complaint to the CRRS
The CRRS is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (AEDST), excluding Australian national public holidays.
To make a complaint:
Complaints about disability employment or advocacy services
You might want to tell someone about a problem you are having with a disability service.
We explain how to contact the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS) on this page.
What is the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service?
The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS) can support you to make a When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something has gone wrong or is not working well. about disability services.
The CRRS can support you to make a complaint about certain disability Employment means you have a job, go to work and get paid. services.
This includes disability employment services you get through ADEs offer jobs that give extra support for people with disability while they’re at work.
The CRRS can also support you to make a complaint about DES helps people with disability find and keep jobs. The Australian Government runs DES.
The CRRS can also support you to make a complaint about disability Advocacy services support you, help you have your say and give you information and advice.
The CRRS is a free and When something is independent, it doesn’t take sides. service.
Who can use the CRRS?
To make a complaint to the CRRS, you must be using a disability service that the Australian Government gives Funding is money from the government to pay for services and supports. to.
This includes services from:
- ADEs
- disability advocacy services.
Someone else can make a complaint to CRRS for you if:
- you use a disability service
- you say that the other person can make a complaint for you.
Services can also get help from the CRRS.
For example, to get information about how to:
- handle complaints
- improve the way they do things.
How to make a complaint
The CRRS is open:
- Monday to Friday
- 9 am to 7 pm.
They are closed on public holidays.
You can call the CRRS to make a complaint.
1800 880 052
You can also contact the CRRS by filling out their online form.
You can find out more on our page about their online complaint form.
Support to make a complaint
The National Relay Service (NRS) can support you to make a complaint to the CRRS.
They support people who:
- are deaf or hard of hearing
- have trouble speaking.
You can call the NRS.
1800 555 677
You can visit Access Hub for more information.
You can also get support if you speak a language other than English.
You can use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).
You can call them.
You can visit the TIS website for more information.
Types of complaints you can
You can make complaints to the CRRS if you have issues at work.
For example, if you:
- aren’t getting the right pay
- have to work in unsafe or bad conditions.
You can also make complaints if you aren’t getting:
- the training you need to find or keep a job
- services or support the way you should.
This includes if a service stops giving you support without a good reason.
You can make complaints if someone isn’t letting you make a complaint.
Or if they aren’t listening when you say you want to make a complaint.
You can also make complaints if someone:
- hurts, scares or controls you
- isn’t helping you the way they are supposed to help you.
You can’t make a complaint about something that:
- happened more than 2 years ago
- you’ve already told the CRRS about and they’ve done everything they can.
If you aren’t sure if the CRRS can help, you can still contact them.
They’ll connect you with a service that might be able to support you.
You can find out more about how to get support when something goes wrong on our page about complaints or report abuse.
What the CRRS will do when you contact them
The people who provide disability services to you need to meet the National Standards are rules about how to do things well. for Disability Services.
You can meet standards or go above standards.
You can visit the Department of Social Services website for more information about these standards.
When you contact the CRRS they will:
- listen to you
- ask if they can talk to the service or people you’re making the complaint about.
The CRRS doesn’t record phone calls.
But they do take notes to make sure they can follow up your complaint.
The CRRS might:
- help you and your service fix the issue together
- contact your service and tell them how to fix the issue
- support you to contact the service yourself to deal with the complaint
- help you find someone you trust to contact the service for you.
What you can expect from the CRRS
If you use the CRRS, they will:
- not take sides
- give you private advice
- treat you with respect
- listen to you.
Services that use the CRRS can expect to:
- learn from the skills and experience of the CRRS team
- build skills to handle complaints
- get better results when they try to fix issues.
Changing your employment services provider
If you want to change your employment services Providers support people with disability by delivering a service. you can contact the National Customer Service Line.
You can call National Customer Service Line.
You can email them.
Make a complaint about the CRRS
If you want to make a complaint about the CRRS, you can contact the Department of Social Services.
You can call them.
You can email them.
You can also visit the Department of Social Services website for more information.
More information about the CRRS
You can find out more about the goals of the CRRS on our page about the Vision Statement of the CRRS.
We wrote a fact sheet about the CRRS.
You can find out more on our page about the CRRS fact sheet.
We also made a poster about the CRRS.
You can find out more on our page about the CRRS poster.