How SMEs can widen their talent pool with support from JobAccess

12 June 2024

A man and a woman are holding a tablet and having conversation in the office.
A man and a woman are holding a tablet and having conversation in the office.

Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are facing hiring challenges. This is due to low unemployment rates and ongoing staffing shortages. However, SMEs have an opportunity to access a wider talent pool and diversify their teams.

Benefits of disability employment for SMEs

Just over 50 per cent of working age people with disability are in the labour force, according to the 'People with Disability in Australia 2024' report, published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). Employers usually miss out this skilled talent pool due to low awareness, exposure, and myths about disability.

The fact is, like all employees, people with disability bring a range of skills, talents and expertise to the workplace. The benefits of this can be found in Employ My Ability - the Disability Employment Strategy. By hiring people with disability, SMEs can:

  • access a diverse talent pool,
  • foster creativity and innovation,
  • improve productivity and performance,
  • create an inclusive workplace culture.

Free support available for SMEs to boost disability employment 

JobAccess is a free Australian Government service that offers expert advice, practical resources and good practice strategies to drive disability employment.

It is an easy-to-use, one-stop service that gives advice, support and tailored solutions for all people with disability, employers and service providers.

Our services aim to remove barriers to disability employment. They include:

  • An expert call service:  JobAccess operates a national call service. A team of front-line professionals runs it, offering confidential and expert advice. You can contact JobAccess at 1800 464 800 to speak to an Adviser. Our Advisers can answer your questions on matters related to disability employment. They can also direct you to other support services.
  • Advice on workplace adjustments: JobAccess has a team of allied health professionals. The team can provide advice on and can help you organise workplace adjustments from the first point of contact.

    JobAccess also support employers and employees access funding for adjustments through the Australian Government’s Employment Assistance Fund (EAF). The EAF gives financial help to buy work-related modifications and equipment. It also covers Auslan services, workplace assistance and support services. The process is simple and tailored to your business and employees. Read how BindiMaps, a startup in New South Wales, makes the most of JobAccess support.

  • JobAccess employer engagement service – Employers with 100 or more employees can partner with JobAccess’ employer engagement service, the National Disability Recruitment Coordinator (NDRC). The service is provided at no cost. The NDRC partners with employers for a period of 12-months. The service offers tailored support and guidance on good practices and strategies. The service also helps raise awareness about the benefits of hiring and keeping people with disability across your business.
  • Vacancy distribution service – The NDRC offers a free vacancy distribution service to all employers. This includes big and small employers. The team can help promote your job openings to a national network of Disability Employment Services (DES) providers. This connects you with a diverse pool of qualified candidates.
  • Free disability confidence toolkit: JobAccess’ Employer Toolkit is a good starting point for SMEs. It will help build your knowledge on how to attract, employ, and retain people with disability. It has on-demand short videos, case studies, and downloads. It also has tip sheets to help build employers' disability confidence.

Get in touch with JobAccess. We’re here to help

JobAccess is to go-to expert for disability employment in Australia. For confidential and tailored advice, call JobAccess on 1800 464 800 to speak to our Advisers. You can also submit an online enquiry or explore our website for more information.

JobAccess also organise events for employers on how they can attract, hire and keep a diverse workforce that offers clear and long-term benefits. Register on the JobAccess website to receive invitations for our future events.

Related pages

National Disability Recruitment Coordinator (NDRC)

Read other JobAccess stories

JobAccess Employer Toolkit

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