With a focus on desired outcomes, CRRS successfully resolves a client’s matter with a DES provider

A man is wearing a headset and working on his laptop in the office. Another woman is sitting next to him and working. Two other people in the background are chatting.

Sabin Poudel works as a Professional Adviser with the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS). In his job, he loves assisting people with disability, discussing and resolving the issues they may have.

The CRRS is a free, independent, and impartial service. It is for people with disability who are users of Australian Government services funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS). These services include: 

  • Disability Employment Services (DES)
  • Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE); and/or
  • Disability Advocacy services

The CRRS provides confidential advice and support to people with disability and those acting on their behalf. It helps resolve any complaints.

Complaints can include issues such as service provider’s lack of awareness about disability, unable to assist in finding suitable employment, working in unsafe or poor conditions, or feeling disrespected or mistreated.

“We work with participants and DES providers to resolve issues together. We do not take sides. Once a participant files a complaint, CRRS investigates and resolves the issue. We do this by providing feedback and a service improvement suggestion, if needed. Sometimes, we refer participants to another service that may help them,” shared Sabin.

How CRRS successfully resolved Oliver’s matter with a provider

Sabin recently assisted a client, Oliver*, with the successful resolution of his matter. Oliver lives with a mental health condition and has been unemployed for a long time. He lives alone and has no emergency contacts.

Oliver reached out to a provider for employment support. At his first appointment, the provider requested information from Oliver for an emergency contact form. Oliver did not have an emergency contact and couldn’t complete the request. Due to this, Oliver didn’t receive the service and assistance he was expecting.

That’s when he contacted the CRRS for help and support.

After Oliver lodged a complaint, Sabin listened and documented his case with a focus on identifying the right resolution outcome.

CRRS reviewed all the evidence Oliver shared. To progress the matter, Oliver gave permission for the CRRS to talk to the provider to find out what happened.

Through regular communication with both the client and provider, the CRRS identified a gap in servicing arrangements and that the information requested was not required by the provider. Oliver’s matter was successfully resolved within the given timeframe.

Part of the CRRS’ role is to work with providers to improve their policies and procedures. Because of Oliver’s matter, the CRRS also included a service improvement suggestion to the provider.

Tammy Cesana is the Client Support Manager at the CRRS. She said this case shows CRRS’s commitment to improve a provider’s work processes through feedback from jobseekers and clients.

Tammy elaborates, “The matter led to a system-wide change for the provider leading to an improved customer experience.”

“This change will help future clients when registering with them, especially those who, like Oliver, are unable to provide information that is not needed,” Tammy concludes.

Have an unresolved issue? CRRS is just a call away.

Since July 2016, the CRRS has successfully assisted in resolving over 7,700 complaints. If you, or someone you know, need to make a complaint, contact the CRRS on 1800 880 052 (toll-free) or submit an online form

You can also visit the JobAccess website to know more about the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service.

*Represents name has been changed for privacy.

Related pages

Complaints Resolution and Referral Service

National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline

JobAccess stories

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