JobAccess supports self-employed Ann to return to her full responsibilities

photo of Ann

Image: Ann monitors her goats using her new wheelchair. She is wearing a white and black check shirt and faces away from the camera.

Ann is self-employed and works as a goat farmer. She lives with Multiple Sclerosis. Ann found her old wheelchair was creating barriers to carry out the essential duties of her job. That’s when JobAccess supported Ann.

A fulfilling career working with animals

Ann is self-employed. She owns and operates a commercial goat farm in northern Victoria with her family. Ann has worked with animals all her life. She has worked on a shared dairy farm. This was until her medical condition progressed.

Ann has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a condition that impacts an individual’s central nervous system. Given the physical nature of her work, she began facing barriers in completing her tasks.

Ann’s old wheelchair made it difficult to position herself at each milking station. It was challenging for her to show her employees how to milk the goats. Additionally, viewing the goats over the fence was also difficult as her wheelchair lacked the functionality to raise the seat.

Ann found that the wheelchair did not allow her to move quickly between the goats, which was required for extracting milk. She was also experiencing back and neck pain due to continuous twisting of her upper body. This impacted Ann’s capacity to undertake daily tasks at the farm, as the wheelchair did not support her in completing her job.

Barriers at work and support from JobAccess

Ann wanted to continue with as many of her tasks as possible. This included training and supervising her employees, along with monitoring the goats to ensure their health and wellbeing. But ongoing pain and environmental barriers were creating challenges for her at work.

That’s when she contacted JobAccess for support.

After receiving Ann’s application for the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF), JobAccess Professional Adviser Emma Tutty contacted her. Emma also organised a free workplace assessment for Ann at the farm.

An occupational therapist, with specialised knowledge of MS, assessed Ann’s workplace and recommended a tailored solution. This came in the form of a stand-up powerchair with customised accessories to support Ann at work.

The EAF gives financial help to eligible people living with disability and mental health conditions, as well as employers. It helps them buy work-related modifications and equipment. It also covers supports like Auslan interpreting services, one-on-one counselling and disability awareness training, among others. Through the EAF, JobAccess funded the stand-up powerchair for Ann.

A simple solution helps Ann pursue her passion

The new wheelchair has helped Ann carry out her duties on the farm. It has reduced the barriers she faced before.

She can now raise her stand-up powerchair without taking her eyes off the goats. This means that no time is wasted, and Ann can focus on helping the goats who need care.

With the help of the powerchair, Ann can stand up easily, reaching eye level with her employees. She can also show her employers how to milk the goats, something she could not do before.

The wheelchair also allows Ann to travel long distances on her property. It makes it easier to access different areas.

“JobAccess Advisers are approachable, and their process is speedy. With the help of JobAccess, I have been able to do my job more easily and effectively. For which I am very grateful.”

Ann Pell Goat farmer

Ann is very impressed with her new wheelchair. She found her experience with Emma and JobAccess to be very good. Ann also found the JobAccess team to be very approachable. She appreciates how JobAccess “gets stuff done.”

“JobAccess Advisers are approachable, and their process is speedy. With the help of JobAccess, I have been able to do my job more easily and effectively. For which I am very grateful,” concluded Ann.

Are you looking for advice and support with workplace adjustments? Get in touch with JobAccess

JobAccess is the go-to expert for disability employment matters. It helps removes barriers to sustainable employment for people with disability.

JobAccess has a team of allied health professionals who provide expert, confidential and tailored advice on workplace adjustments from the first point of contact.

For expert advice and tailored support, reach out to JobAccess on 1800 464 800 or submit an online enquiry. You can also visit our website for more information.

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Employment Assistance Fund

Available support for people with disability

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