Writing a job application and cover letter
Applying for a job in writing is often your first chance to make a good impression and show your skills, so it’s important to get it right. Get started with our tips on what to include in your application, how to present it, and writing a cover letter.
What can be in an application?
A job application might include:
- written responses to job requirements, also called ‘selection criteria’
- an application form, if the employer uses one
- information about recent work history, or your full resume
- other documents such as your certificates and study results
- a cover letter.
Some employers may ask for a cover letter and responses to selection criteria along with your resume. Others may only ask for your resume.
For tips on putting together your resume, go to Creating a good resume.
Before you start
Before you start writing an application:
- check what you need to include – this should be in the job advertisement
- check how you need to submit the application
- research the employer and the position you are applying for
- think about the skills, qualities, knowledge, experience and qualifications you have that suit the job
- read through any job requirements and make notes about how you meet them.
Find out more about responding to selection criteria when writing this part of an application.
Tips for presenting your application
- Focus on and cover your skills and experience that match the job. Use key words from the job advertisement.
- Make the application clear and to the point.
- For some industries, it might be a good idea to show your work. For example, for jobs in the arts, design, publishing or technology.
- Type your application unless the employer has asked you to write it by hand.
- Use basic formatting and a simple design. Avoid using a lot of tables, columns or graphics. These might not be read properly if the employer is using an automatic system to review applications.
- Use a standard font like Calibri or Arial at around 12-point size, put spaces between paragraphs, and leave space in the margins of your pages.
- Include your name and phone number in the header or footer of each page in case the pages become separated. Make sure your contact details are also in the main part of the application.
- Number all pages.
Making the final checks
- Read the job advertisement again and any other information.
- Make sure you have responded to what the employer has asked for.
- Check over your application for any mistakes – it’s a good idea to do this a day or two after you write it, if there is enough time.
- Ask someone else to check over it as well.
Writing a cover letter
Most job applications need a cover letter. You will usually need to type this in a separate document and attach it with your application. Employers may have a number of applications to review, so your cover letter should be clear and to the point.
It’s often best to write your cover letter after you have put together all the other parts of your application.
Tips for writing a good cover letter
- Keep your letter to one page, unless the job advertisement says the letter can be longer.
- Tailor the letter to the job and organisation – don’t send the same letter for every job.
- Name the job you are applying for and where or how you heard about it.
- Briefly describe the qualifications, skills, abilities and experience you have that suit the job.
- Make sure any experience you mention in your letter is listed in your resume.
- Mention if your application includes other documents, such as your resume, selection criteria documents, copies of certificates and so on.
- Tell the employer how they can contact you to set up an interview.
- Finish by thanking the employer for taking the time to consider your application. You might add that you look forward to hearing from them.
- Try to get someone else to check over the cover letter before you send it.
Get advice on how to set out a formal letter at Contacting possible employers. Many job search websites also have free cover letter templates you can use.
Writing a covering email
If the employer asks you to send your application by email, keep your email brief and to the point. You only need to include your name, the job you’re applying for, and mention that your application, resume and any other documents are attached.
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Writing a job application and cover letter
Applying for a job in writing is often your first chance to show:
- why the person should hire you
- your skills and experience.
It’s important to know what to include.
What can be in a job application?
A job application is how you ask an An employer hires people to work for them. for a job.
It can include documents that explain:
- why you should get the job
- your work experience.
The employer might have a job application form you can fill out.
This can be an easy way to know what to include.
The employer might want you to respond to the Selection criteria are things someone looks for when they are hiring a person for a job. in the job ad.
You can find out more on our page about responding to selection criteria.
You can include your A resume is a document that lists your work experience, education and skills. People sometimes call this a CV.
You can find out more on our page about creating a good resume.
You can also include a A cover letter explains why you want a job and why you're the right person for a job.
You can include any experience you have from other jobs.
It’s best to include:
- jobs you’ve done that are like the one you’re applying for
- skills you’ve learned that would be useful in the job.
You can also include other documents like:
- certificates
- results from school or study.
Before you start writing your job application
Before you start writing your job application it’s a good idea to check what you need to include.
This information should be in the job ad.
Different employers might want different things in a job application.
You should research the employer and the job you’re applying for.
This can help give you an idea about what to say.
It’s a good idea to think about why you would do the job well.
For example, your skills and experience.
You can write down some ideas about how you meet the selection criteria.
You should also check how you can hand in your job application.
For example, by email.
Tips for creating your job application
When you create your job application you should focus on skills and experience that match the job.
Use important words from the job ad.
You should try to make your job application clear and to the point.
For some jobs, it might be a good idea to include some of your work.
For example, if the job is about:
- art or design
- writing and publishing.
You should type your job application on a computer unless the employer asks you to write it by hand.
It’s a good idea to make your job application simple and easy to look at.
Try not to use lots of tables and images.
You should use a simple font, like:
- Arial
- Calibri
Make sure the words are around 12 point size.
You should also:
- put spaces between paragraphs
- leave space around the edges of the page.
It’s a good idea to make sure:
- your contact details are in the main parts of your job application
- your name and phone number are at the top or bottom of each page
- each page has a page number.
Writing a cover letter
Most job applications need a cover letter.
Most of the time a cover letter should be in a different document.
You should include your cover letter with your job application.
It’s a good idea to write your cover letter after you’ve put together the other parts of your job application.
Tips for writing a good cover letter
Employers often have many job applications to look at.
Your cover letter should be clear and to the point.
Try to only write one page unless the job ad says it can be longer.
You should say:
- the name of the job
- how you heard about it, for example on a job search website.
It’s a good idea to think about what the employer is looking for.
Don’t use the same letter every time you apply for a job.
You should talk about why you’d be a good match for the job.
This is where you can include your:
- skills
- experience.
It’s also important to put any work experience you mention into your resume as well.
You should mention if your job application includes other documents, like certificates or your resume.
You should tell the employer how they can contact you to plan an interview.
Finish by thanking the employer for taking the time to look at your job application.
You can also say that you look forward to seeing them.
It’s a good idea to get someone else to check over your cover letter before you send it.
You can find out more on our page about contacting possible employers.
You can also find and use many free cover letter templates online.
Checking your job application at the end
Before you hand in your job application it’s a good idea to read:
- the job ad again
- any other information, like the business’s website.
You should make sure you’ve responded to what the employer asked for.
Check for any mistakes.
It’s a good idea to do this the day after you write it, if there’s enough time.
You should also ask someone else to check over your job application as well.
Writing the email you send to the employer
Employers often ask people to send their job applications by email.
If you’re sending your job application by email, make sure to keep the email short and to the point.
You only need to include:
- your name
- the job you’re applying for
- the documents you attached to the email as part of your job application.