Restart wage subsidy for people over 50

The Restart wage subsidy is for businesses that hire job seekers aged 50 years or older. The subsidy pays up to $10,000 over a 6-month period.

Who can get Restart

To be eligible for a Restart wage subsidy, the business must:

  • have an ABN
  • not have recently cut back its number of employees, or be planning to
  • not do anything that might damage the reputation of the wage subsidy or the Australian Government for example, having a history of wage theft or illegal activities
  • not be getting another government wage subsidy for the same job seeker or position.

The job seeker must:

  • be at least 50 years old
  • be registered with a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider
  • not have worked for the employer before, or for any other business connected with the employer 
  • not be an immediate family member of the employer.

There may be other conditions, based on the job seeker’s situation. You can contact your DES provider for information about these conditions.  

What types of jobs are eligible

The job can be full time, part time or casual. It must:

  • be at least 20 hours a week on average over the 6 months of the subsidy period
  • be ongoing
  • meet the employment standards for the position – for example, is suitable work and pays at least the national award wage
  • not force another employee out of their job
  • not be a commission based, subcontracted or self-employment position.

Apprenticeships and traineeships are also eligible for Restart wage subsidies.

How to apply

To apply for a Restart wage subsidy, employers need to contact a local DES provider within 12 weeks of the job starting. The DES provider will help manage the process and payments.

  1. The employer contacts a DES provider.
  2. The DES provider checks if the business, job seeker and position are eligible.
  3. The DES provider and employer discuss the wage subsidy payments and sign an agreement.
  4. The DES provider pays the wage subsidy to the business.

For more information, get in touch with a DES provider or contact JobAccess.

How the payments work

The DES provider pays the Restart wage subsidy to the employer over a 6-month period. Employers can arrange with the DES provider how often they get a payment. The full rate of the subsidy is $10,000, including GST.

The DES provider can claim the payments back through the Department of Social Services (DSS). Providers need to show proof of the payments and that the employer and employee are eligible for the subsidy.

Employers must pay all wages and meet all other standards under the law for their employee. This includes paying superannuation, tax and insurance. And meeting work health and safety requirements. 


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