How the NDIS can help
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with disability with a range of supports and services. The NDIS can also help you with employment.
Finding and keeping a job
The NDIS can help you in your job search, skills training and with support in your workplace. This can include:
- help to set work goals
- information about ways to find work – for example, through Disability Employment Services (DES)
- information about community programs and volunteering in your area
- help to decide what training you might need
- help to build skills for keeping a job, for example catching public transport
- funding to help you reach your work goals
- funding to pay for supports at work.
The NDIS works with other organisations to make sure people who need both employment services and disability services have a positive experience. For example, the NDIS can help you move from supports that the NDIS pays for to a service like DES.
Getting started
You need to be an NDIS participant to get work-related support through the NDIS.
If you already take part in the NDIS, contact your Local Area Coordinator or NDIA planner to discuss your work goals and adding employment support to your plan. Visit Finding, keeping and changing jobs on the NDIS website for more information.
To find out if you are eligible for NDIS support, go to the NDIS website or call 1800 800 110.
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How the NDIS can help
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has supports and services for people with disability.
They can also help you with ways to find and keep a job.
How the NDIS can support you to find and keep a job
The NDIS supports people with disability with ways to:
- find and keep a job
- build skills
- work well in their A workplace is any place you might work, such as an office, factory or shop.
The NDIS can support you to create work goals.
They can also give you information about how you can find work.
For example, through DES helps people with disability find and keep jobs. The Australian Government runs DES.
The NDIS can give you information about:
- programs in your community
- becoming a When you are a volunteer, you work but you don’t get paid. Volunteers usually do work that helps other people.
The NDIS can support you to:
- choose what training you might need
- build skills for keeping a job, like using public transport.
Your NDIS Funding is money from the government to pay for services and supports. might pay for you to:
- have support at work
- reach your work goals.
The NDIS also works with other organisations that can support you to:
- find and keep a job
- get the supports and services you need
- have a good experience.
For example, they can support you to move from NDIS supports to a service like the DES.
Getting support from the NDIS
You need to be an NDIS participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS. to get support through the NDIS.
If you’re an NDIS participant, you can talk about support to find a job from your NDIS contact, like a:
- NDIA planner
- Local Area Coordinator (LAC).
You can visit the page about Finding, keeping and changing a job on the NDIS website.
You can visit the NDIS website to find out if you can get support from the NDIS.
You can also call them.
1800 800 110