Advice and support for employers

02:01 watch

If your organisation is new to hiring people with disability, there is support and services to help. Find out where to get support with recruiting, funding for adjustments, training and more.

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Topics covered in this video:

  • JobAccess advice and resources
  • access to funding
  • the National Disability Recruitment Coordinator
  • Disability Employment Services.

For people with disability, employment means access to the personal, social and financial benefits of work. For your organisation it means, an increase in diversity, a boost in morale and a fresh perspective you may not have considered. If you are new to considering employing people with disability, there is support and services available to help. JobAccess is a free workplace and employment information service for employers, people with disability and service providers. JobAccess brings together resources including: a website, dedicated phone service, the Employment Assistance Fund, and the employer engagement team. Through JobAccess, eligible employers can access funding to make minor adjustments to provide an accessible and productive workplace for a person with disability. For large organisations, a dedicated National Disability Recruitment Coordinator is available to help you achieve your disability employment goals. Another program funded by the government to support disability employment is Disability Employment Services, or DES. DES is a national network of private and not-for-profit organisations that help people with disability find work and keep a job. DES also assists employers to help you meet your recruitment needs. Employing people with disability is easier than you think. There's an abundance of tools and resources to help you and by watching this video, you have already made the first step. Still have questions? Use the search function on the JobAccess website, or phone one of our friendly staff on 1800-464-800.


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