Developing a disability action plan

A disability action plan shows your support for customers and employees with disabilities. It’s a positive step for your organisation. . It also shows how you meet the Disability Discrimination Act 1992

What is a disability action plan?

A disability action plan lists the ways that your organisation: 

  • is accessible to people with disability
  • doesn’t discriminate against people with disability.

It covers the accessibility of your organisation’s goods, services and buildings, like bathrooms.

It can also include your employment policies and practices. 

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 your action plan doesn’t have to cover these things. But including employment policies in the plan shows your commitment to supporting employees with disabilities. This can, in turn, give employees with disabilities confidence in your support. 

Getting started

The Register of Disability Discrimination Act Action Plans has examples of disability action plans from various sized organisations.
For information on creating a disability action plan, see the Australian Human Rights Commission page, Developing an effective DDA Action Plan.


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