Mission Australia MERRYLANDS

This site provides Full Time Disability Management services,with opening hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.


DES - Disability Management Service
All Job Seekers

Shop 2027, Stockland Merrylands, McFarlane Street

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02 86332221


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

Mission Australia provides employment assistance for working age people with disability, illness or health conditions. We work with you and, where agreed, your support networks (such as family, doctor, and/or health specialist) to ensure that we provide you with effective employment support.

  • We can source quality jobs that match your capabilities and long-term goals.
  • We specialise in placing people in positions across many varied occupations and industries and we provide up to date information and referrals to Australian apprenticeships and traineeships services.


Our staff are able, to assist you, to develop a focused job plan that benefits from our local knowledge and connections. We are able to support you effectively to access a wide range of services including:

  • Job placement.
  • Employment counselling to identify your career direction, skills and personal circumstances.
  • Training to develop or enhance your employment skills.
  • Support to manage your disability, injury or health condition while you are preparing for work and after you have commenced employment. This may include access to workplace modification, job redesign, skills development, counselling and cultural support.
  • We are committed to supporting you when you commence work. We offer post placement support to ensure that expectations are clear and appropriate support is coordinated, enabling you to be successful in your new job.


To assist with your job search we have a range of resources available in our offices for you to access including computers with internet connection, printers, photocopiers, telephones and newspapers.

Our employers

We are committed to providing the best employment solution for your business.


We work with you to explain the benefits of hiring people with disability, and coordinate support to enable you to employ a diverse workforce. Our employer relationship approach is based on individualised planning, understanding your short term needs and long term workforce goals, and matching your requirements with the skills of our candidates.


As part of that process, we understand how critical productive employees are to the success of your business. We’ll respond to you within 24 hours of your vacancy lodgement and provide feedback on progress. Here are just some of the ways we will support you:

  • We provide you with a personal consultant who listens to your recruitment needs and advises appropriately on services available including traineeships and apprenticeships, training, wage subsidies and other financial incentives.
  • We assist you to develop selection criteria for your available position/s, screen potential candidates against your criteria, and only recommend candidates for an interview if we feel they are suitable for your business.
  • We can arrange interview times, provide interview rooms at no cost to you and participate in the final interview if required.
  • We discuss the individual needs of candidates and advise you about the availability of support services, workplace assessments and modifications for their employment. We may be able to provide assistance to cover the cost of training and where eligible, wages may be subsidised in the first few months of employment.
  • We provide a professional follow-up service to ensure a seamless transition of your new employee into your workplace.

Our networks

Mission Australia provides support to our job seekers and employers through our extensive community and business networks. Our internal resources include detailed labour market research and local industry leading staff. We connect with local community agencies and partners to deliver holistic solutions that are ‘place based’, including:


  • Keeping track of movements in local, state and national labour markets through our labour market research.
  • Membership of key industry and business groups, regional development groups and local chambers of commerce.
  • Links to state training authorities and providers of skills training.
  • Connections with registered training organisations in local and regional areas.
  • Access to community based support services including health professionals, counselling, housing, disability support, mental health services and cultural support groups.
  • Relationships with state and local government community, industry and employment development programs.


Nationally, we provide over 550 community and employment services including early learning and affordable housing programs.

Our performance

In the 2014-2015 financial year, Mission Australia supported over  16, 000 Australians into sustainable employment assisting them to transform their lives and contribute to the communities in which they live.

Based on the Australian Government’s star ratings system, which provides a benchmark on industry provider performance, Mission Australia is regarded as one of the leading providers of employment services.


100% of our employment service areas (ESAs) across Australia achieved a rating of 4 stars or more in the most recent performance ratings. Employment service areas specialising in delivering disability employment services produced consistently high results with two ESAs being awarded the highest rating of 5 stars, and one ESA being awarded 4 stars.

Employment service areas specialising in delivering disability employment services produced consistently high results with our sites in the Central West Sydney ESA being awarded the highest rating of 5 (Merrylands) & 3 (Castle Hill)  stars.

About us

Mission Australia's expertise in employment services has been developed over 36 years, including 18 years delivering a range of Australian Government workforce participation programs:

  • Disability Management Services
  • National Disability Coordination Officer program
  • National Panel of Assessors
  • Skills for Education and Employment
  • Indigenous Employment Program
  • Indigenous Youth Careers Program
  • Remote Jobs and Communities Program
  • Vocational Training and Employment Centres
  • Job Services Australia
  • New Enterprise Incentive Scheme.


Mission Australia stands together with Australians in need until they can stand for themselves. We are committed to looking for ways to have a greater impact. We:

  • Operate social enterprises that provide on-the-job training including Charcoal Lane and Synergy Repairs.
  • Contributed to Closing the gap through programs that increase opportunities and quality of life for Indigenous Australians.
  • Published the annual Youth Survey which tested the views of almost 15,000 young people.
  • Released the Youth Mental Health Report in partnership with the Black Dog Institute.
  • Completed the MISHA Project, a 2 year study into homelessness.
  • Operate Big Heart Op-shops that divert thousands of tonnes from landfill and provide training, work experience and employment to long-term unemployed people.
  • Operate various recycling projects including GreenIT, Soft Landing and Featherweight.


Our values: compassion, integrity, respect, perseverance and celebration.


To find out more about Mission Australia, please visit our web site - www.missionaustralia.com.au