To inspire and empower people through employment. AXIS Employment is a provider that can help you find a job. If you have a disability, injury or illness and are eager to find or stay in employment, AXIS Employment will help you achieve these goals. We help thousands of people to get work every year through our Disability Employment Services programs.


DES - Employment Support Service
All Job Seekers

76 Elizabeth Street

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03 53811622


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

AXIS Employment is a provider that can help you find a job.

If you have a disability, injury or illness and are eager to find or stay in employment AXIS Employment will help you achieve these goals.

We help thousands of people to get work every year through our Disability Employment Services program.

As a recognised high performing provider, as shown by our 5 Star Rating, AXIS Employment delivers Disability Employment Services to job seekers throughout Western Victoria and South East South Australia. AXIS Employment’s 5 Star Rating is the highest rating that is awarded to Disability Employment Services and we have consistently maintained this rating.

AXIS Employment will provide an Employment Consultant who will listen to your individual circumstances and work with you to get the support, skills and set goals that matter to you. We use flexible and innovative approaches to find a job that best suits you.

AXIS Employment delivers an individualised program that may include:

  • Support and guidance;
  • Assistance to overcome both vocational and non-vocational barriers;
  • Training, education and literacy assistance;
  • Skills assessment;
  • Resume and application letter writing;
  • Job search activities;
  • Interview training;
  • Help in funding of uniforms/ work wear; and
  • Provide support once you achieve employment.

If you want to work, we will help you find a job.

Register with AXIS Employment today at AXIS Employment – Inspiring & empowering people through employment for over 30 years.

Our employers

Need employees?

AXIS Employment can find the right person for your team, fast.

We deliver employment services across Western Victoria and South East South Australia and have access to more than 2,000 people looking for work.

Our Employment Consultants know their local area and work closely with job seekers and employers to facilitate the right job match for both parties.

With AXIS Employment you get an individualised recruitment service without any of the cost.

AXIS Employment provides comprehensive services for employers that includes:

  • Getting to know you, your business and your recruitment needs;
  • Providing job ready people who are matched to your needs and keen to work;
  • Arranging any necessary pre-employment screening, assessments or training;
  • Facilitating access to government funding to support hiring and training eligible candidates;
  • Increasing diversity, employee retention and reducing absenteeism;
  • Maintaining a healthy, safe work environment for all employees; and
  • Supporting you and your new team member.

When you hire an eligible AXIS Employment job seeker, your business could access a range of generous wage subsidies of up to $10,000.

You can also receive additional benefits such as funding for modifications to help employees with a disability, and opportunities to increase diversity.

AXIS Employment works with you as a business partner to provide the best employment solution for your business.

Our networks

We provide support in more locations than other providers across Western Victoria and South East South Australia so help from AXIS Employment is never far away.

With over 50 locations across Western Victoria and South East South Australia, help from AXIS Employment is never far away. We pride our service delivery on providing support in more locations than any other provider in the areas we service.

Whether you’re a job seeker, employer or community partner you will find that AXIS Employment has a team made of local people who know their local area.

AXIS Employment builds long-standing relationships with all stakeholders. We build relationships with all businesses- small medium and large, we work with RTOs to provide comprehensive and up to date training so that our job seekers have the necessary skills to find sustainable, suitable employment. We have a network of medical and allied health professionals that we work with to assist our job seekers. We work with all community stakeholders to achieve the best result for all parties.

AXIS Employment works with:

  • Local Employers;
  • Industry Groups;
  • Community Organisations;
  • Federal, State and Local Governments;
  • Heath Service Providers;
  • Youth Service Providers;
  • Schools and Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s)
  • Indigenous and CALD Support Organisations

Our performance

At AXIS Employment our commitment to continual improvement means that we raise the bar for our performance to make sure we are the best.

When it comes to helping job seekers, we have some of the highest star ratings in the country. 100% of our contract locations are rated at the maximum 5 star level.

At AXIS Employment we are proud of the results we achieve for job seekers and proud of the relationships we have built with local business and community stakeholders. With our innovative and flexible approach we will continue to achieve outstanding results for our job seekers.

AXIS Employment will continue to honour our mission statement:

To Inspire and Empower People through Employment

We Include We Achieve We Care

About us

AXIS Employment is a not for profit organisation that was founded in 1991, as Wimmera Job Match, with the purpose of assisting people with disability, injury or illness into open employment.

Starting with a handful of staff the organisation has grown to the extent that it now employs 100 full-time staff and supports over 2000 job seekers in open employment programs.

With our head office located in Horsham, AXIS Employment services Western Victoria and South East South Australia with regional offices located in Ballarat, Bendigo, Swan Hill, Mildura, Warrnambool, Portland and Mount Gambier as well as 50 other part time locations.

AXIS Employment is certified to the International Quality Systems ISO 9001 and the National Standards for Disability Services. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and underpinning this commitment to quality are our recruitment policies which ensure we employ professional, qualified and empathetic staff to assist our most important assets – our Job Seekers, Employers, Supported Employees and Customers.