APM Employment Services BAIRNSDALE

APM knows everyone faces challenges when looking for work.
We help you get the right support to find and keep a job.
We’re Australia’s largest DES provider.
With the strongest job placement rates, we help more people into work than anyone else.
There’s a job out there for you, let’s go find it.


DES - Employment Support Service
All Job Seekers

68A Macleod Street,

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03 51526204
03 54415775


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

APM provides employment assistance for people with a disability, illness or injury aged between 14-65 years. We work with you and your supports (such as your family, your doctor, and health specialist) to ensure that our service delivers you the most appropriate and best possible outcome. Our aim is to assist you to achieve employment in line with your work capacity and goals, and to help you build your capacity for the future. Whether you’re unemployed, at school, or currently working but concerned about maintaining your employment, APM may be able to assist you with: ·Employment counselling to help determine your career direction, skills and interests. ·Training to develop your employment skills, through short courses, apprenticeships or on the job training. ·Supporting you to manage your disability or health condition in preparation for work and while at work e.g. Workplace Modification and job redesign. ·Providing equipment and resources to assist you when looking for work including job search and interview training, and resume writing. Our focus is to help you return to work as quickly as possible. Together, we will develop an individualised support plan that prioritises the role and value of employment in improving a person’s financial, social and health circumstances. We will help identify employment focused solutions that get you back into the workforce sooner! APM job seekers are, on average, 11% more likely to achieve a sustainable job than job seekers assisted by similar government funded providers (APM 2012 Performance). This is what some our job seekers have to say: “The way they listen and treat you with respect and understanding makes you feel more positive with yourself” “Build up your self esteem and help to find work to suit your needs”

Our employers

APM is focused on helping you find the person that best fits your business. In 2009/10 alone, we met the needs of job seekers and employers, by assisting over 3500 job seekers into secure ongoing employment. We achieved this by matching the individual needs of the employer and the job seeker. Our skilled staff are keen to discuss the range of services available to you, so if you want to meet your business needs by recruiting people with the right skills, abilities and physical capacities, then contact APM today! We have offices in every state and territory in Australia, with extensive regional and rural service reach. This extensive footprint enables our team to provide consistent and quality services, no matter where you may be located. We can assist you with: · Job design and customisation · Pre employment physical screening · Workplace assessments and modifications · Traineeships/Apprenticeships · Wage Subsidies and other financial incentives · Skills Training - On the job or short courses · Ongoing support once an employee commences We are also pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to access the Australian Government funded Restart Wage Subsidy. Restart provides support to employers who employ and retain eligible job seekers who are 50 years of age or older, and who have been unemployed for six months or more. An employer can receive up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) in assistance for a full-time employee over two years (or a pro-rata amount for a part-time employee). To find out more about how we can assist your business with this and other supports, contact your local office now!

Our networks

APM has an extensive network of national and local contacts, and we can help connect you with services that will complement your pathway to employment, including: · Health professionals · Counselling services · Training organisations We work in conjunction with other organisations to ensure you have the best possible supports to help you reach your goals. We specialise in connecting you with supports that fit around your employment, meaning that any training, counselling or other support service you are engaging with doesn’t need to impact on your ability to start a job!

Our performance

APM is a proactive and passionate organisation, and we are committed to helping our job seekers and employers achieve the best possible outcomes. A few highlights of APM performance include: · Being the first Employment Services Provider in Australia to negotiate the Australian Government’s Wage Connect Subsidy with an employer for employing a long term unemployed job seeker (see more info on our “Employers” tab). · Assisting job seekers and employers to access hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of workplace modifications - providing workers and employers with specialised tools and building modifications, giving them the ability to undertake roles that they previously though impossible. · Helping hundreds of job seekers (young and mature) into Traineeships and Apprenticeships in areas of national skills shortage.

About us

Established in 1994, APM (Advanced Personnel Management) is an Australian-owned organisation, and the country’s largest private sector provider of employment services for people with an injury, illness or disability. Our purpose is clear: to enable better lives, and we achieve this through the delivery of human services around the world. Our success is largely due to the dedication of our experienced staff who work with you to understand and meet your individual needs and circumstances. APM staff have a great variety of experience, skills and qualifications. They know their local areas and communities and are passionate about helping you get into work sooner.