The Bridge Employment MORNINGTON
Our team of skilled & professional staff are committed to helping you achieve your employment goals. We provide the holistic, person-centred & individualised assistance that you need to eliminate your barriers to work and support you to secure employment that is suitable and sustainable. The first step to changing your life through employment.
4/216 Main Street,
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Connections for Quality
Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.
Our job seekers
Our team of skilled and enthusiastic staff at The Bridge Employment are committed to helping you achieve your employment goals. We provide the holistic, person-centred and individualised assistance that you need to eliminate your barriers to work and support you to obtain enduring employment.
We will plan the strategies and interventions you need to help you become more job ready. Our Occupational Therapist can provide interventions and equipment that will increase your capacity for work and we also have psychologists on site to assist those who have not previously been linked with counselling or mental health support. We can progress you through a tailored job-readiness program, helping you identify suitable jobs and gain independence in looking for work. Training includes careers guidance, goal setting and confidence building sessions as well as job search related activities, computer skills and OHS. We can refer you to training with local RTOs and some deliver courses in our training rooms so you can learn skills in areas of employer demand.
Our Employment Consultants promote your skills to employers and support you in your job searching efforts. They will reverse market you to employers, particularly when you have specific needs due to your disability or have an uncommon job choice. We will provide regular tailored support to you once you are working. This includes on-site training, mentoring or other assistance like coaching, workplace modifications and job design. Offsite support is provided for non-disclosing workers or where worksite visits are not appropriate.
Our employers
The Bridge Employment has formed ongoing relationships with dozens of local businesses who have employed our job seekers. We offer you a broad range of services including DES but also the completion of contract work via our Australian Disability Enterprise. We have the solution for your recruitment and business needs and we offer: - Education about correct pay rates and employment conditions Candidate screening and short listing ensuring Job seekers are well matched to the job and the impact of their disability is minimised · Work trials utilising unpaid work experience · Regular support and supervision to promptly address any workplace concerns · Workplace modifications to improve the job seekers productivity and facilitate OH&S · Assistance to access Wage subsidies and other Gov’t incentives · Support for Traineeships and Apprenticeships. Many suitable jobs are created after visiting a workplace and discussing hard to fill vacancies with employers. We can often negotiate part-time work/job sharing roles, or tasks that are suitable after some minor modifications or re-design. Our staff members are responsive to your needs and will regard themselves as your representative within The Bridge Employment. They ensure that any placement makes good business sense for you as an employer and meets your needs. This is cemented by comprehensive Post Placement Support to stay in regular contact with you to ensure that all is progressing well. Our message to employers is that good job matching is crucial and through effective Post Placement Support we will assist both parties in the work arrangement to ensure a mutually beneficial placement.Our networks
As a highly respected and long established employment services provider, The Bridge Employment has developed linkages with a range of local community agencies, training providers and medical services. We liaise with and refer participants to a range of appropriate agencies to improve readiness and capacity or work. These include: · Housing · Drug/alcohol services · Youth services · Legal aid · Social services · Financial assistance and · Allied health providers.
We have our own Occupational Therapist on staff and utilise psychological services for job seekers who have not previously been linked with counselling or mental health support. All of these services can help you with issues that may be impacting on your ability to undertake work and in partnership with them we can better support you and get you on the path to employment sooner. Our links with local RTOs provide our job seekers with various opportunities for skills development in areas of employer demand and to establish a genuine career path. Courses may be conducted externally at the training providers premises or in our own training rooms where job seekers and are able to stay in easy contact with their Consultant.
Our performance
The Bridge Employment has actively sought to assist more job seekers into employment as we see first-hand the many positive effects for people when they succeed in work. Our growth in a competitive market is evidence of our strong performance and ability to deliver high quality services to job seekers.
In the 2015-16 Financial Year The Bridge Employment achieved the following:
2588 participants received assistance
675 new participants commenced
454 participants were placed into employment
99 participants placed into education
285 participants achieved a 26 week outcome
Grant funding received for the INteractive Work Experience project, partnering with Springvale Park Special Developmental School
If you want to know what Support feels like then come to The Bridge Employment. Our results are evidence of the level of support provided to job seekers, workers and employers that maximize your potential and enable you to experience the benefits of working.
The Bridge Employment has a constantly expanding network of employers who are choosing our service to meet their recruitment needs. We are open with employers about some of the challenges our job seekers face and we ensure our employers have the right attitude and systems in place before agreeing to work with them. This increases the likelihood that a placement will be successful and sustainable into the future.
The Bridge Employment has a long established Quality Management System in place that ensures consistency in servicing across our sites and that supports the requirements of the National Standards for Disability Services. We have consistently achieved excellent results in external audits and we strive to continually improve our service for the benefit of our job seekers and workers.
About us
The Bridge Employment is a service of The Bridge Inc, a community based not-for-profit organisation. We have been providing tailored assistance to people with disability, illness and injury for over 25 years. The Bridge Employment has continuously evolved as an employment provider to ensure our program meets the needs of people with disability who are interested in gaining and maintaining meaningful work.
We operate 5 offices within the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We have supported hundreds of people to improve their self- confidence and acquire new skills in order to gain work. Our team of highly skilled staff and our various links with community organisations assists job seekers to overcome their barriers to employment and focus on a positive future. Linkages with training organisations are ensuring more job seekers are developing new skills and acquiring work related qualifications to meet the recruitment needs of local employers.
The Bridge Employment maintains a network of disability-friendly employers and expand this through continuous marketing activities that provide a steady flow of employment opportunities for our job seekers to consider. We maximise sustainable employment through appropriate job matching, job design and workplace support that ensures job seekers can meet the job requirements. This leads to job satisfaction & confidence for job seekers, greater job retention and eventual independence.
As well as the DES program, The Bridge Employment operate a state-funded transition to work program specifically for young people with disabilities, and a program called Youth Jobs Now! that assists youth from a CALD background to obtain full time work.
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