IDEAL Placements Assoc Inc CANNONVALE


DES - Employment Support Service
All Job Seekers

1/4 Island Drive,

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07 49578177
07 49482218


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

If you are living with a permanent disability IDEAL Placements can help you look for work and we can also provide you with regular, ongoing support in the workplace to help you keep your job.

We have been assisting job seekers find employment in our region for over 20 years and can provide service from our sites located in Sarina, Mackay, Proserpine, Cannonvale and Bowen.

We know our region.  We know what industries are hiring and what jobs and skills employers are looking for.

Our Job Coordinators will work with you to understand your circumstances and with our local knowledge we can help you to make the best decision that meets your specific employment requirements.

When providing you with services we will take into account:

•             The type and nature of the disability you are living with

•             Your caring responsibilities

•             Your age

•             Your cultural and linguistic diversity requirements

•             Your skills and experience

Our Job Coordinators will work with you to develop a job plan tailored to meet your individual needs.  To support you to achieve your employment outcome we may also be able to help you with education, training, access to support for mental and physical health conditions and identifying and managing any barriers to you getting and keeping your job.

Let IDEAL Placements help you find and keep your ideal job.


Our employers

IDEAL Placements have been assisting employers in our region meet their recruitment needs since 1995. We have extensive experience in developing an understanding of an employers’ business needs and culture, so that we can match candidates with disability appropriately.

When you hire an eligible IDEAL Placement’s job seeker our Job Coordinator will:

·         Work with you to understand and meet your skills and labour needs so that we can match your vacancy with the most suitable job seekers 

·         Assist you to design jobs that incorporate the necessary flexibilities to successfully employ people with disability

·         Assist with induction and provide on the job support to you and your new employee

·         Help you access a range of wage subsidies which offer financial assistance to employers who employ eligible participants and are designed to encourage employers to provide sustainable employment.

·         Help you access the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF). The EAF helps people with disability and their employers by providing financial assistance for work-related equipment, modifications and services.

If an employee can’t reach the level of productivity you require our Job Coordinator can help you access the Supported Wage System (SWS). The SWS enables employers to pay a productivity based wage to people whose work productivity is reduced as a result of disability.

IDEAL Placements have job seekers who are ready, willing and able to meet your business needs.

Our networks

IDEAL Placements provides services from sites located in Sarina, Mackay, Proserpine, Cannonvale and Bowen as well out outreach services to remote locations.

IDEAL Placements maintains extensive networks throughout our region.  Embedded in our local communities for over 20 years we know and understand our communities and local labor markets.

We work collaboratively with local community and health services, Registered Training Organisations and other service providers such as Relationships Australia, headspace, Ozcare, Mackay Women’s Centre, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre and Mental Health Services to maximise a jobseeker’s opportunity to achieve an employment outcome.

We have established, long term relationships with a number of local employers who are committed to providing quality, sustainable employment outcomes for people with a disability.

Our performance

IDEAL Placements have been a trusted provider of Australian Government employment programmes in the Mackay and Whitsunday regions for over 20 years.

We have established, long term relationships with a number of local employers.  Some of these employers have been providing opportunities for people with disability to experience the social and economic benefits that having a job can bring for over 10 years.

As a long term provider of Disability Employment Services in our region IDEAL Placements has established, extensive networks in the community to support job seekers to maximise their capacity to obtain sustainable employment.  We have close working relationships with many local organisations such as Relationships Australia, headspace, Ozcare, Mackay Women’s Centre, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre and Mental Health Services.

In the past 20 years we have lost count of the number of people we have successfully helped find a job but a number of them are still employed 10 years later.

IDEAL Placements also deliver the Transition to Work Programme, accredited training services, Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiatives and the Ticket to Work initiative.

IDEAL Placements maintains a high retention rate of qualified and experienced staff and has a dedicated Cultural Coordinator on staff to support our delivery of culturally appropriate services.

We are continually looking for innovative ways to help people living with disability find work and keep their job. 

About us

IDEAL Placements is a Not for Profit Community organisation that has been helping people achieve their employments goals for over 20 years.

Established in 1996, IDEAL Placements has grown into a diverse and dynamic organisation that provides a wide range of services to people living in the Mackay, Whitsundays and surrounding areas.

Governed by a local Committee of Management whose members are drawn from the local community we know and understand our local community and labour market.

IDEAL Placements is committed to driving quality in all aspects of our organisation and is accredited against the Human Services Quality Framework and ISO 9001 Quality Management standard.

Focused on meeting the individual needs of job seekers while still providing choice and control when considering employment options; IDEAL Placements now delivers multiple programs across five office sites as well as flexible delivery options in outreach services to the more remote areas.

IDEAL Placements also deliver the Transition to Work Programme, accredited training services, Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiatives and the Ticket to Work initiative.