Disability and Adjustment

The following disability types and diagnosis are consistent with those represented in the majority of applications for workplace modification assessment through the Employment Assistance Fund.

Cognition: managing problem solving, thinking, attention and memory at work

  • Cognitive and thinking skills
  • Original and creative thinking
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Attention, concentration and remembering work tasks
    • Workplace solutions and adjustments
  • Organising, planning and managing time
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Cognition: managing learning and applying understanding and comprehension in the workplace

  • Understand and follow instructions, learn and apply knowledge and skills
  • Develop work related skills
  • Understand verbal instructions
  • Active learning
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Understanding industry specific or technical information
  • Expressive language
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Social perceptiveness
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Cognition: managing literacy barriers at work

  • Literacy skills, reading and writing
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Physical: managing access to work and the office building

  • Travel to and from work
  • Driving for work
  • Accessing the building
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Physical: Work Health and Safety, and workplace ergonomics (design and function)

  • Workplace Ergonomics
  • The Office
  • Chairs
  • Footrests
  • Desks
  • Computers and accessories
  • Document holders
  • Other desk based equipment
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Related Links

Physical: managing restrictions in the upper and lower limbs at work

  • Upper limb use – barriers
  • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Reaching
  • Lower limb – barriers
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Walking
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Working while standing
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Climbing
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Related Links

Managing blindness or low vision at work

  • Managing blindness or low vision at work
  • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Managing Deafness or hearing loss at work

  • Managing Deafness and hearing loss at work
  • Auslan and the Deaf community
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
  • Profound hearing loss
  • Hard of hearing
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Managing mental health conditions at work

  • Managing mental health conditions at work
  • What to do if your colleague discloses a mental health condition?
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions for employers
  • Supporting a mentally healthy workplace
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions for employees
  • Support Services
  • Related Links

Managing Multiple Sclerosis at work

  • Symptoms
    • Workplace adjustments and solutions
      • Activities for daily living
      • Cognitive impairment
      • Fatigue or weakness
      • Fine motor impairment
      • Gross motor impairment
      • Heat sensitivity
      • Speech impairment
      • Vision impairment
  • Support Services
  • Related Links


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