Epic Employment Service Inc WOODRIDGE

EPIC Assist has been helping people with disability secure meaningful, sustainable employment for almost 30 years. We understand the importance of staying on your employment journey for as long as you need us. We don’t walk away; we provide on-the-job, individualised support for each and every person. We'll work with you to help you realise what's possible.


DES - Employment Support Service
All Job Seekers

9 Station Road

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07 32905364


Job seeker recommendations

3 out of 7 job seekers recommend this provider.

Employer recommendations

Employer recommendations for this site have not been provided.


Job seeker the staff have been very help full to my needs over the past 18 months, more so to my Disability, Published on

the staff have been very help full to my needs over the past 18 months, more so to my Disability, In what work I'm able to perform and hours.

Leave a comment on the Workforce Australia website.

Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

We believe all people with disability have a right to meaningful employment and we will do whatever it takes to help you find a job you love.
When you come to EPIC, we will:

  • introduce you to your local EPIC team and give you the opportunity to choose an Employment Consultant to work closely with
  • discover your interests, strengths and talents, and find out what job you would like
  • develop and regularly review your personalised Job Plan
  • explain your responsibilities in your journey towards employment
  • provide a list of activities for you to choose from, that will help you reach your goals
  • identify your skill gaps and offer you nationally recognised training through our Registered Training Organisation (RTO) EPIC Education Assist, or other RTOs
  • support you to create a great resume, prepare job applications, practice interview skills and attend job interviews
  • assist you to travel to and from your workplace, purchase appropriate work clothes, and adjust your workplace to suit your needs
  • connect you with like-minded employers who align with your career goals
  • support you on-the-job in your workplace for as long as you need us- that could be a month, a year or longer.

We’re here for the long run. We don’t just find people jobs, we are committed to helping them keep their job.

What our job seekers say:
“EPIC care about their job seekers. At your appointment they give you time, you get individual attention and you don’t feel like you are just a number,” Diane, Grafton.
“I have found that EPIC do go further with the service they provide than other disability employment services that I’ve been with,” David, Hervey Bay.

Find out more: https://epicassist.org/jobseekers/

Our employers

At EPIC, we assist businesses to hire people with disability for roles within their organisations. We take the time to understand the businesses’ needs and find the right person for the job.
We work with businesses to break down barriers around hiring people with disability, and help build more diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • The right person for the role: We take the time to understand your business culture, values, challenges, and the skills and talent you’re looking for to make sure we find a person who is a great fit for your team.
  • Transparent communication: Before the person starts in your workplace, we’ll brief you about the job seeker, their disability and how best to support them. After they have started work, we will check in with you regularly via phone, email or in person. That way, everyone remains on the same page and any issues are resolved immediately.
  • Ongoing support: This is what sets us apart from other providers. Once your employee is on-the-job, we’ll check in regularly to see how they’re progressing, and how you’re doing too. If the employee needs hands-on support to do their job, we’ll work alongside them every shift until they no longer need our help.

What our employers say:
“EPIC understand our business and we really appreciate their support for not only the client but us as well,” Woolworths, South Brisbane.
“I like that EPIC have given me the opportunity to employ people who might not be able to get employment otherwise, they provide a valuable service in the community which I really appreciate,” Three Blue Ducks, Byron Bay.

Find out more: https://epicassist.org/businesses/

Our networks

Through local and national networks, EPIC is creating more inclusive and diverse workplaces and opportunities for people with disability.

We have an extensive network of employers and partner organisations across Australia. If we discover that there are any services you need that we can't help you with, we'll refer you to other providers or community organisations in our network, including:

  • Tutoring and mentoring services
  • Community support
  • Accommodation services
  • Disability and health services
  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)

We also advocate for the rights of people with disability as active members of national networks and organisations like Anglicare Australia, Australian Network on Disability (AND), and Disability Employment Australia.

Our performance

We are committed to delivering a personalised, engaging customer experience to our participants and employers; providing exactly what they need, when they need it.

We believe that by empowering our customers to tell us how we can improve, we will ensure we provide a 10/10 experience.

We gather feedback everyday so that we know what our customers see as our strengths, and where we can improve. We are working tirelessly to achieve the very best customer experience for every participant and employer.

What our customers say:

“I am always treated with respect, friendliness and care for my wellbeing.”

“They really go beyond what they need to do. I am made to feel so good about myself and my potential.”

“EPIC encourage and motivate me to achieve the very best I can.”

“EPIC really go above and beyond, and show they really care about the people they help.”

“I appreciate how flexible EPIC have been in my situation as I don't know how I would be able to work otherwise.”

About us

EPIC Assist (EPIC) is a leading not-for-profit organisation which has been operating for over 25 years, assisting people with disability to prepare for, find and maintain meaningful employment.

EPIC also delivers education and training, and provides services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We support our participants every step of the way, staying with them on their journey until our assistance is no longer needed. This results in success for all – participants, employers and the community.

EPIC also works closely with employers, taking the time to understand their business and its unique needs. We then identify an effective solution that meets those needs, leading to sustainable employment.

EPIC operates along the East Coast of Australia with offices in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, while also delivering a range of disability services in Europe.