Key Employment Association COFFS HARBOUR


DES - Employment Support Service
All Job Seekers

61 West High Street

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02 66919999
02 66919930


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

Key Employment have been supporting clients with disability find and keep jobs for over 21 years. Here’s how we do it: We find out what you're good at and what job you want to do. We identify the barriers to this and together we knock them down. Here’s what we do: If you have a physical, intellectual, sensory (hearing/visual), mental health, ABI, ADHD, learning or other disability then we are the service to speak with. We will see you as often as you need and will assist you to increase your skills and help you find a job. We have our own training organisation who tailor their courses to meet your needs in a friendly and relaxed environment. We prepare your resume, work on interview techniques and build your self confidence. We arrange vocational assessments, provide funding for training, work equipment, counselling & transport. We will help with Centrelink and other community services. We will help you to find a job and apply for it. Then we support you in your job for as long as you need to make sure that you are successful. We know a lot of employers and have had real success in placing thousands of jobseekers. We are very good at finding apprenticeships and traineeships and always have vacancies in a range of fields from Auto Mechanics to Hairdressing. “I think they are doing a great job. They are providing for my needs and they are there to help us. It's nice to have some support without feeling afraid, they are very reassuring. I feel looked after and respected, and they allow support, but don't take away your dignity." Tracey S “Key Employment isn’t scary! Just sign up with them and they will help you find a full time or part time job.” Jasmyn W Check us out on Facebook

Our employers

Key Employment works with all employers - large and small. We work with over 500 existing businesses on the mid north coast where participants with permanent disability are currently employed. We have been providing these services for the past 21 years. We provide recruitment services for employers. We screen and match participants to employer vacancies. We also cold call on employers to secure vacancies for our clients. We support our clients when they are offered employment and our support is needed to help set up the position. Key Employment will only refer suitable clients to any vacancy. We have experience in working across all local industries and understand the varying needs of employers from Banana Farms to Big Banks - from Blueberries to Baristas. Last year we paid over $1M in incentives and allowances to employers to help set up our workers in their job. We provide DEEWR wage incentives to eligible employers and manage a range of other services including workplace modifications, formal training, assistance with work clothing, OHS White Card, Drivers licences and permits and first aid certification. We provide on site training on disability issues and access with employers responding well to this free service. We base our reputation and the reputation of people with disability on the care we take with your jobs. If we dont have a suitable person for your job we will tell you and provide advice on how best to fill your vacancy. We believe in the skills and abilities of our clients but we are also very good in balancing this with the needs of your job and the culture of your company. It comes down to a matter of experience and trust. You can trust Key Employment.

Our networks

Key Employment works closely with all service providers and supports government and community organisations to achieve the goal of greater social inclusion for its clients through employment. Training at Key Employment is our RTO. We provide training in Employment Services, Aged Care, Business, Retail and TAE. We can stylise corporate training and provide non-accredited courses including Introduction to Computing, Self Marketing, Literacy and Numeracy and Time Management. Key Employment is a member of Disability Employment Australia, NESA, Jobs Australia and National Disability Services. We are members of Recruitment Consulting Services Australasia (RCSA) and Australian Federation of Employers and Industry. We make referrals to all community groups for their support for our clients. We work closely with Centrelink and many allied health services along the mid north coast. Key Employment works with Australian Apprenticeship Centres, Complete Staff Solutions and North Coast Group Training to secure employment opportunities for our clients. We are members of Local Area Employment Committees, Chambers of Commerce and on the Executive Committee of the Wigay Park Project in Kempsey. We have well formed relationships with local health professionals in all of our sites and coordinate through them effective interventions for job seekers where needed.

Our performance

Performance through customer satisfaction "Two-thirds of those clients currently in employment gave Key Employment a “10 out of 10” for their satisfaction with “the level of support you have received from Key Employment in maintaining your employment. This is an excellent result, and suggests that Key Employment is providing a high level of ongoing support to clients in work. The overall satisfaction rating for 2012 was extremely high, with 49 per cent of clients scoring Key Employment as a 10 out of 10. Seventy five per cent scored 9 or higher, and 89 per cent scored eight or higher. Results were uniformly high across the Key Employment network," Independent annual customer satisfaction survey 2012. Through results Because of the care we take in matching jobs our placement performance is 14% above national average in Coffs Harbour, 10% above in Macleay and 3% above in Clarence. We are double the national average of 28.3% in Coffs Harbour and Macleay for keeping a job for at least 26 weeks.We have developed a loyal following of employers because they know we understand their needs. Through Government rankings We are the only 5 Star DES on the North Coast Through Formal systems Key Employment is accredited under international quality standards ISO 9001:2008 and the Disability Services Standards Through loyal supporters "Key Employment has helped my business grow over the years...I have no hesitation in recommending Key Employment as a professional Disability Employment service." Reimers One Stop Auto & Tyre Shop South Grafton

About us

Key Employment has provided services to people with significant and permanent disability since 1991. We are the largest and longest serving Disability Employment Service on the Mid North Coast and are the most successful. We have the only 5 Star sites in the region and our 4 Star sites are not far behind. We are a generalist service and work with people with any sort of disability. One of our great claims is our success across this wide range. Clients of Key have earned over $58M in wages since 1992 and have paid over $7M in taxes. Our KiKASS program has placed 156 students with permanent significant disability into 4 year indentured apprenticeships. At Key we don't just talk the talk. Out of our staff of 58 there are 17 with disability. Our team has the training, skills, empathy and concern for the individual needs and concerns of all of our participants. Consultants have Cert IV Disability Services or Cert IV Employment Services or are working towards it. 16 have Cert IV TAA or TAE. All have Building and Construction White Card, 23 have First Aid Certificates. 9 have university degrees in business or human service areas, 5 speak Auslan. We are active in the social media space and use Facebook to work with job seekers and employers. We promote the ideals of a just and fair Australia and the value of a diverse workforce. We don't push round pegs in square holes here at Key. We try to find people the job they are interested in and the job they are good at. Sometimes this means we may have to turn a square hole into a round one but if we do that in partnership with our client it works really well. Check us out on the web and facebook