Ostara Australia WOLLONGONG


DES - Employment Support Service
Mental Health

Level 3, Suite 1, 310 Crown Street

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13 00678272


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Connections for Quality

Connections for Quality gives you information to help you choose the right provider for your needs. The sections on this page are the Service Quality Indicators. They tell you more about this provider and their services.

Our job seekers

Ostara Australia is a national disability employment service provider that specialises in mental health and assists all clients into employment through understanding and guidance. We are an experienced and dedicated organisation aimed at improving the quality of people’s lives regardless of their disability. Ostara will assist you with: · Finding employment opportunities that suit your abilities · Provide training to get you into employment which may include short term training to obtain a qualification or to refresh your current skills · In house training to develop or update your resume, job search skills and interview training to prepare you for future opportunities Ostara will also: · Help prepare job applications and cover letters · Discuss and tailor a plan to help you reach you employment goals · Assess your skills to guide you into a career path · Supply access to phones, faxes and PC’s to assist with your job searching · Assist with finding part time work during school hours · Provide training in our “Towards Employment” program for the long term unemployed or our “Wellbeing” program · Provide intensive support and full assistance to achieve your employment goal(s) Ostara Australia has skilled staff that meets with employers to market and create opportunity for you which can improve your chances of obtaining employment promptly. Ostara's staff receive ongoing training in topics such as mental health awareness, employment services and management, to encourage career development and knowledge in their roles. Ostara staff will assist you whilst you are in the job, contacting you out of work hours to ensure that the work is going well. For more information, check out our website at: http://www.ostara.org.au/

Our employers

Ostara Australia’s business development staff have the knowledge and experience to find you the right person for you business through discussion and analysis of the skills required by you. Ostara provide a free employment service sourcing new employees promptly at no cost to you. The screening process is comprehensive to ensure that the clients with the appropriate matching skills are referred to you. Most of the hard work is done so all that you need to do is select the right employee for your company or organisation. Ostara can provide licenses and other training to the client before they begin so that they have the right licenses and skills for the job. Ostara also provides advice on awards and wages, traineeships and apprenticeships, client transport to the job and supply of work related clothing. Over the last year, Ostara has placed nationally, over 62% of the commenced clients into ongoing employment successfully and has offered the clients full support for 26 weeks and beyond to get the best possible result for your business and your employee. Ostara’s staff have mentored clients whilst in employment and have been on-site with them to provide some training when required. There is financial assistance that can be provided to assist you with your new employee whether it is for equipment or to assist you with paying of wages. For more information visit the Ostara website: http://www.ostara.org.au/

Our networks

Ostara Australia’s staff provide knowledge and assistance to help you overcome your barriers to employment. We have many years experience in employment services which has created many useful linkages with other organisations where we can refer participants to the appropriate services as required. We offer a holistic one to one service and refer to community services such as rehabilitation centres, psychologists, counsellors, medical practitioners, language literacy and numeracy programs,youth programs, indigenous groups, business industry groups and registered training organisations. Ostara also has partnerships with Futurum, a training provider that also includes services in apprenticeships and traineeships for staff and participants. For more information, please visit http://www.ostara.org.au/

Our performance

Ostara Australia is considered a highly rated employment service provider that has a strong reputation across Australia and with external stakeholders. We have experienced strong growth over the last 10 years and have provided employment services to all clients with a specialisation in Mental Health conditions. We currently have approximately 6000 active clients across Australia with 62% placed into ongoing employment last year. We have developed strong relationships with the mining industry and other business bodies where we have been providing information to employers about mental health awareness. Ostara provides other training programs to assist clients to overcome their barriers to employment and prepare them for the workplace. In turn this has created people that are highly motivated and ready for any challenge that employment may bring. For more information, visit http://www.ostara.org.au/

About us

Ostara Australia has been helping people with disabilities into employment for over 10 years and has grown nationally due to the success of the service. Each office has connections to the community and local area knowledge which gives them an advantage when it comes to finding job opportunities or referring clients to other services externally. Ostara Australia is a specialist employment service for the disadvantaged and specialise in employment for people with a mental health condition. For more information, visit http://www.ostara.org.au/ or call 1300 656 294