Workers compensation

If you experience a work-related injury or illness, workers compensation payments can help if you need to take time off work. It can also help you return to work safely.

What is workers compensation?

Workers compensation is a form of insurance payment to support people who get injured at work or become ill due their work. Some workers compensation schemes also cover injuries that are psychological – affecting your mental health. Workers compensation can cover:

  • lost wages
  • medical, hospital and rehabilitation costs
  • expenses to help you return safely to work
  • lump sum payments for permanent injury or illness.

By law, employers need to have workers compensation insurance to cover all their employees. For more on what workers compensation can help with, visit the Safe Work Australia workers compensation page.

Workplace injuries and your responsibilities

As an employee, you have responsibilities in relation to workplace safety. You must help to create a safe workplace. You also must:

  • report anything you think might cause a workplace accident or injury
  • get medical attention if you are injured
  • tell your employer about the details of an injury
  • take part in the activities of your injury management plan.

An ‘injury management plan’ is a plan the insurer creates with you, your employer and doctor to set goals for your recovery and return to work after an injury. Learn more about your role in work health and safety.

Reporting an injury or accident

You should report to your employer as soon as possible if you are:

  • injured
  • involved in or see an accident.

You should take the following steps:

  1. Record the details of your injury. You can do this yourself or someone can do it for you.
  2. See a doctor who can assess you and decide what treatment you need. They should give you a medical certificate or work capacity certificate if you need time off work.
  3. Fill in a claim form for your workers compensation scheme. Some schemes let you claim over the phone.

If you become sick or experience mental health injuries because of work, you can talk to your employer or state or territory workers compensation scheme. Australian Government employees should visit the Comcare website.

Where can I find out more?

If you have any questions about workers compensation, or you need other help, you can ask your employer or contact your local workers compensation scheme. State and territory compensation schemes:

You can also find more information on the following websites:


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