Taking a weight off Michael’s mind and shoulders
As a landscaper and property services provider, Michael enjoys the creativity that comes with the job.
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Go to saved itemsAs a landscaper and property services provider, Michael enjoys the creativity that comes with the job.
“to protect ears from loud noises when one is younger so that the loss of hearing does not impact the quality of life in their later years.”
Some people with disability may need assistive technology to support them to do their job.
Tom was rapt to score his first job at a cabinet-making business.
For Neslihan Sari, Paralegal at Public Transport Victoria (PTV), employing people with disability has far reaching benefits.
Over 180 employers nationwide recently joined JobAccess General Manager Daniel Valiente-Riedl for a webinar focused on this important topic: ‘Workplace adjustments: What are they, how to make them, and support you can count on.’
Topics covered in this video:
what the EAF can cover, who can use the EAF, workplace assessments, how to apply.
Sometimes when we hire people with disability, adjustments need to be made. Find out about the different supports and services available through JobAccess to make these changes.
Topics covered in this video:
what employers must do in the interview process, how to assess candidates, asking about adjustments, how and when to ask about disability.